Big Bold and Beautiful Beer Ads Gallery

This big beer ads collection features:

  • Beautiful ads that are a true visual pleasure for the human eye!
  • Funny beer commercials that creatively play with words, meanings and norms!
  • Sexy beer commercials that tells it all without actually showing anything!
  • Provocative beer commercials that make fun of stereotypes and gender roles!

Great tuborg ads - Beach Party. Five beer bottles cooling off in a bowl of water.

Beach Party! Great example of the Danish Tuborg beer commercials - five Tuborg bottles cooling off in a big bowl of water.

Fabulous Tuborg beer commercial - Hip hop party.

Hip-Hop Party! Tuborg bottles with lose labels.

Tuborg ads - Naked Party - Many Tuborg bottles without labels, all 'naked'.

Naked Party! Another great Tuborg beer ad - Lots of beautiful, naked green bottles having a naked party!

Tuborg ad - Retro Party.

Retro Party! Lots of old and new Tuborg bottles enjoying each others company!

Funny Gold Star beer commercial - Thank God you're a man! Pyramid

Thank God you're a man! Hilariously Funny Gold Star beer commercial - The difference between man and woman exemplified by short or long route to the beer.

Gold Star commercial - Thank God you're a man. Really funny ads

Thank God you're a man! Another great and provocative Gold Star beer ad - Here the difference between man and woman is exemplified by simplicity of men's thoughts vs. women's layer upon layer of meanings and interpretations.

Great Gold Star ad - Thank God you're a man!

Thank God you're a man! The last example of Gold Star beer commercials - Men's short route to the pissoir vs. women's long and complicated route to the toilet. Just hilarious!

Bit Copa commercial - Refreshingly Brazilian! A bit More Exciting.

Refreshingly Brazilian! A bit More Exciting! Sexy Bit Copa commercial: A body painted woman with breasts as man and woman drinking beer (the bikini looks like open mouths). Really Clever!

Bit Copa ad - Refreshingly Brazilian! A bit More Exciting! - fab alcohol ads

Refreshingly Brazilian! A bit More Exciting! Another example of sexy Bit Copa Ads: Here the body painted woman has two women looking over the arm at a funny looking French dude drinking Bit Copa beer from a straw (right into the navel) Beautiful piece of artwork!

Great Bit Copa Ads - Refreshingly Brazilian! A bit More Exciting!

Refreshingly Brazilian! A bit More Exciting! The last sexy example of the free spirited Brazilian Bit Copa beer commercials. Body painted woman with breasts as giggling girl and guy with moustache!

John Courage beer commercial

Take Courage My Friend! John Courage commercials with worried man who's probably going to have a not so funny examination at the doctor's!

John Courage ad - Take Courage My Friend - man sitting on sofa worried when his girlfriend asks him if her bottom looks big!

Take Courage My Friend! John Courage ads - The same worried looking man sitting in a sofa postponing the answer to his girlfriend's fatal "Does my bottom look big?" question!

John Courage beer commercial - Take Courage My Friend. In mom's knitted sweater - alcohol ads at their best

Take Courage My Friend! John Courage beer commercial featuring the eternally worried looking man, now in a colorfully dotted knitted sweater.

St. Pauli Girl beer commercial

You Never Forget Your First Girl! St. Pauli Girl alcohol ads - A girl figure, body of beer and head of foam.

St. Pauli Girl ad - Drop Dead Refresing!

Drop Dead Refreshing! Another example of St. Pauli ads - Another girl with beautiful beer body and foamy hair!

Heineken beer commercial - Table football - just great beer ads!

Heineken bottles as part of a table football game!

Heineken beer ad: Don't drink and drive. Hiliarious.

Don't Drink and Drive! Funny Heineken ads with drunk Santa having a sledge accident!

Hanks beer alcohol ad - Only one of these is both rich and affordable - car vs. beer.

Only One of These Is Both Rich and Affordable. A Taste of the Sweet Life! A sports car vs. a Hank's Root Beer. Genuine Hank's Beverages!

Guinness ad - Every man has a dark side.

Every man has a dark side! Artistic Guinness beer commercial with a half white and half black!

Guinness commercial - Every man has a dark side.

Every man has a dark side! A similar example of a Guinness ad.

Bishops Finger beer ad.

A Cheeky 4-5%! This Bishops Finger beer ad leaves everything to the imagination!

Amstel commercial - woman opening bottle for her man!

A bit old-fashioned, isn't it? Good chauvinistic fun: Amstel beer commercial with woman opening a bottle for her man. Twist to open. New Amstel Easy bottle. Amstel Our Beer!

Beck's beer ad - Disco beer.

The Beck's beer bottle dressed up as a disco ball.

Apple bottle hanging from tree!

The soft drink made from real apples! Apple beer ad with bottles hanging down from the trees like real apples. All natural!

Apple beer ad - Apple bottle inside pie.

The soft drink made from real apples! Apple beer ad with the Apple beer inside an apple pie! All natural

Three caramelized apple beer bottles

The soft drink made from real apples! Apple beer ad with three caramelized apple beer bottles on a tray! All natural!

Coronita Cerveza beer ad - a dark office vs. sunny beach.

Coronita Cerveza beer. Message is something like, get some sun and beach into your dull, dark and boring office life with Coronita!

Corona ad - Two Corona Extra beer bottles jumping out of the water like dolphins.

Corona Extra ads. A funny picture of two Corona Extra bottles jumping out of the water like dolphins!

Corona Extra - high tide, low tide.

High Tide, Low Tide! Corona Extra beer commercial on a sunny beach: One full Corona bottle and one bottle almost empty!

Three Corona Extra bottles on a beach: Greedy!

Greedy! Another Corona beer commercial featuring three Corona Extra beers on a lovely beach. Two of the bottles with the traditional lime slice and one greedy bottle with a whole lime!

Corona Extra beer commercial - Buenas Noches - the lime looks like the moon.

Buenas Noches! A Corona Extra ad featuring a night scene with the lime slice looking just like a half moon.

Corona Extra commercial - Drink responsibly: Stones look like footballs

Alcohol can alter you perception. Drink Responsibly! Corona Extra ad that warns against the effect of alcohol. To the drunken eye the round stones at the side of the road may look like a row of footballs.

Tuborg ad - Gulp Fiction

Gulp Fiction! Interesting Tuborg ads merging with Pulp Fiction. Two Tuborg bottles just avoiding the bullets. The official beer of Arena Theatres!

Tuborg beer commercial - Kill the Bill!

Kill the Bill! Here we see the ad playing with the Kill Bill film and the bills being killed on the 'stake'. The official beer of Arena Theatres!

 Lock, Stock and Tuborg Smoking Barrels.

Lock, Stock and Tuborg Smoking Barrels! Yet another example of Tuborg ads. Here we have two Tuborg bottles that look like gun barrels. There is even smoke coming out of them. The official beer of Arena Theatres!

Tuborg beer commercial - The Lord of the Drinks! Great alcohol ads

The Lord of the Drinks! Yet another further different Tuborg commercial. Here the play is done with a theme mix of The Lord of the Rings. The official beer of Arena Theatres.

Schneider ad - Man reaching for a beer glass that looks like a breast!

It doesn't matter what you see. What's important is what it is. What's important is the beer! A really clever Schneider commercial where that seems to be reaching for a breast but in fact it is just a beer glass!

Schneider beer ad - two beer glasses that look like a woman's legs. The best vintage ads.

It doesn't matter what you see. What's important is what it is. What's important is the beer! Yet another really good play on the eye. This Schneider commercial features two beer glasses with a bit of foam on top. The glasses looking like well curved female legs and the foam like the bottom of two bum cheeks! Well done!

Bourbon dodo beer commercial - La reunion lé Doss. Two dodos.

La Réunion lé Doss. La Dodo Lé La Bourbon beer also know as dodo beer. Colorful beer ad with two dodos in front of a waterfall while holding music instruments.

Boxer la Forte beer ad - Extra strong beer drunk in shots rather than beer glasses

Extra Strong Beer! Boxer la Forte beer ad. The beer is so strong that is has to be serves in shot glasses!

Eisenbahn beer commercial - When we say strong beer, we mean it. Broken pissoir / toilet

When we say strong beer, we mean it! Eisenbahn Strong Golden Ale. Picture of a cracked / broken pissoir / toilet.

Alsatian beer ad - German Character. French Refinement. Schaefer puddle mix.

German Character. French Refinement! Funny Alsatian beer ads - A strange mix of a schaefer and a puddle.

Fabulous Carlsberg beer commercial - Woman lying in the bath tub - great alcohol ads

Carlsberg don't do camouflage but if we did it would probably be the best camouflage in the world! Carlsberg beer commercial featuring a beautiful woman lying in a bath tub with shadowy men on the back wall each holding a Carlsberg beer bottle. Carlsberg, probably the best beer in the world!

Carlsberg ads - Probably a football. Probably the best beer in the world!

Probably a football. Probably the best beer in the world! A clean and smooth Carlsberg beer ad!

Carlsberg ad - Capsules as an oyster with a 'pearl' inside.

Carlsberg, probably the best beer in the world! Two capsules that look like an oister with a beer colored pearl inside!

Castlemaine XXXX beer commercial - extra cold. A koala wearing winter jacket in the middle of the desert.

XXXX Extra Cold! Castlemaine XXXX - A koala wearing winter gear in the middle of a hot desert.

Castlemaine XXXX commercial - XXXX Extra Cold - funny looking spider in the desert

XXXX Extra Cold! Castlemaine XXXX. A desert spider with big hands.

Castlemaine XXXX ad - Skeleton reaching for a beer in the desert!

XXXX! The last example of Castlemaine XXXX ads - A skeleton reaching for a beer can in the middle of the desert!

(All ads displayed are copyright of their respective creators/owners and are displayed here for informational and educational purposes only)

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