• Yes, most really funny condom ads have sex written all over them without actually picturing sex!
• They let our minds do all the dirty work. And we love it!
• These really funny ads make out the cherry of the cake from condom brands such as:
- Billy Boy
- Durex
- Condomi
- Cupid
- Faire
- Tulipan
- Jontex
- Trojan
- Elasun
- Jiffy
- Hansa Plast
- Kama Sutra
- Manix.
• Hope you'll enjoy these funny ads from our exquisite condom commercial collection.
• If you already hunger for more, you can see more funny condom commercial galleries here and here.
Durex condom commercial - Stork delivers letters rather than babies.
Fruit Flavoured
- Billy Boy funny condom commercial with pretty girl blowing purple bubbles ... or perhaps something else entirely.
Funny Durex Commercial with baby auto chair and price tags - condom or baby? Your choice!
Tastes Like Real Fruit
- Funny condom slogans from Condomi condoms with man screaming in pain.
Savings of a Lifetime
- Once again, you want babies or expences? From Cupid condom ads
Better Shape. Better Sex
- Durex commercial and condom slogans - High heals in elevator wall.
Be Good
- Faire condom funny ads with saintly halo.
Are you thinking about sex?
- Tulipan funny Rorschach condom commercial and condom slogans.
Jontex ads with legs under toilet door
Comfort and Joy
- Funny Durex commercial with Christmas tree.
Evolve. Choose the one who uses a condom every time.
- Trojan funny condom commercial with pigs on the beach.
Sports Make You Health(y)
- Elasun condom ad with figure playing basketball.
Delays Your Climax so You Can Last Longer
- Great condom slogans in funny Durex commercial: Durex Performa with water bottles beside the bed.
Long Pleasure Condoms
- Hansa Plast funny condom ad with tanned girl on beach.
Got a Stiffy? Put on a Jiffy!
- Jiffy condom commercial - great example of funny condom slogans.
Fruit Flavoured
- Durex commercial with pealed orange: Durex Select.
Fits any head
- Kama Sutra funny condoms ad.
Manix Endurance
- Manix funny condom slogans with class photo: one boy and many a girls.
Durex Extra Extra Large / Durex XXL
- Hilarious Durex commercial with wide white legged woman.
Extended Pleasure. Enough time for all your tricks.
- Trojan funny condom slogans with athletic turtles.
With Knobs
- Hilarious Durex commercial and condom slogan painted on sidewalk.
No Babies Yet
- Jiffy funny condom ad.
Be careful
- Tulipan skeletons funny condoms making out on bed.
Funny Durex commercial with balloon man and woman.
(All ads displayed are copyright of their respective creators/owners and are displayed here for informational and educational purposes only)
Funny Ads: A Delicately Handpicked Collection of the Best and Funniest Commercials Ever!
Funny Ads and Funny Condoms
That Will Raise Your ... Spirits
Funny Condom Ads
for Condoms:
So Much Fun, in so Little Time!
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