• Do you have a sweet, cute, sad, true, romantic or inspirational love quote - or several quotes about love - that are just waiting in your heart to come out?
• Great! Please, come and share your quote about love right here! The world is hungry for it!
You can share everything from cute love quotes to sad love quotes as long as your quote is original: is a phrase made by you!
You also have the opportunity to ad a picture to your quote. Pictures are really great at capturing sentiments and feelings. Also the photos and pictures have to be your own or some that you have permission to use.
In time when we have enough of your wonderful quotes we will put them on other really beautiful and inspiring pages with lots of motivational pictures to illustrate your quotes so they may get the best opportunity possible to shine through! (We will inform you of this personally of course, provided we have your email!)
If you by now you just want to jump directly to where you can share your romantic quote, go ahead.
Otherwise, we'll get us started with the first quote:
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Large Collection Visitors' Heart Warming Quotes on Love
(Visitor's true love quote):
I never understood why people rush into relationships and search for love. Love is something that you can't search for, …
Big Compilation of True Love Quotes from Lovely Visitors Not rated yet
(Visitor's quote on love):
My heart isn't made of stone but if you try to break it, you might end up breaking your fingers instead.
~ Pamela Haber …
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