With the New Year being (eternally) just around the corner you may be looking for New Year greetings, wishes or messages.
For you, your family and all your friends - a toast
may the new year bring you all what you want the most
~ Quotescoop.com ~
May what you see in the mirror delight you, and what others see in you delight them.
~ Anonymous ~
Live long and prosper!
~ (from: 'Star Trek') ~
This year, may you realize the truth that you are already whole.
~ Soren Lauritzen ~, the Personal Development Guy
May you let go of a core belief this year and see the beauty and splendor of reality.
~ Soren Lauritzen ~, the Personal Development Guy
May this year be the one where you relax your beliefs enough to realize who you are.
~ Soren Lauritzen ~, the Personal Development Guy
May your hopes of fame and glory be dashed this year so you may know true empowerment.
~ Quotescoop.com ~
May each day of next year be vibrant and new.
And bring you much joy and worries few.
Have no fear,
Lend an ear,
Shed a tear,
Have a beer,
Oh my dear,
Happy new year!
~ New Year Messages & Wishes by Quotescoop.com ~
May the wisdom of your higher self bless you in all walks of your life as from this day forward. And may you have the courage of your convictions to walk in the way of the Wisdom within you.
~ Deborah Anderson ~
This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!
~ New Year Messages by William Arthur Ward ~
May you have the grace and wisdom to act kindly, learning to distinguish between what is personal and what is not. May you have good friends to mirror your blind spots.
~ New Year Messages by John O’Donahue ~
May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you now and throughout the new year.
~ New Year Wishes & Greetings ~
May you choose to be who you really are this year.
~ Soren Lauritzen ~, the Personal Development Guy
May you choose this year to empower yourself as much as you can.
~ Soren Lauritzen ~, the Personal Development Guy
Wishing you a year of courageousness of the heart, silence of the mind and presence in the now.
~ Quotescoop.com ~
May you abandon fear, addictions and all other kinds of suppression and slavery the coming year.
~ Quotescoop.com ~
In a world of black sheep, may you choose to be the white wolf.
~ Spiritual and provocative New Year Greetings ~
May this be the year where you quit listening to your mind and start sensing the small still voice within.
~ Spiritual New Year Wishes and Greetings by Quotescoop.com ~
May you realize your Higher Self, know silence of mind and enjoy Christ Consciousness.
Here's to the bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old;
here's to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold.
New Year and all those New Year greetings are all well and good ... First, though, you have to get past the jolly round-bellied well-wisher that is Christmas.
You need to say goodbye to those you spent your Christmas with, finish sleeping off your Christmas hangover and/or come down from your sugar high from devouring 80 pounds of Christmas chocolate etc. Then you need to get over the sight of your belly in the mirror and just accept that is has grown to Santa-like proportions - just like last Christmas.
May your Christmas be like Santa Claus - fat, jolly and generous.
~ Funny Christmas Sayings ~
Nobody wants to admit it, but ...
In a sizable chunk of the blueberry muffin that is the world ... fat is the new normal.
~ Quotescoop.com ~
So don't worry. All you have to do is observe one simple rule with regard to your eating habits:
Don't be so worried about what you eat between Christmas and New Year's, but worry more about what you eat between New Year's and Christmas.
~ Funny Christmas Sayings ~
Only when the orgy that is Christmas THEN will you remember that New Year is almost upon you and it is time to evaluate your life. Because that's what people do the week after Christmas.
Looking back on the months gone by
As a new year starts and an old one ends
We contemplate what brought us joy
And we think of our loved ones & our friends.
~ New Year Sayings ~
New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights.
~ New Year Messages by Hamilton Wright Mabie ~
Yes, the time around Christmas and New Year's Eve people look into the mirror, and they look into their souls. Or, at least they look back at the year that has almost gone and forward towards the year that is approaching.
And they start throwing New Years greetings left and right.
A Merry Christmas to everybody! A Happy New Year to the world.
~ Charles Dickens ~ (from: 'A Christmas Carol', 1843)
The above quote is one of the most famous New Years greetings of the modern world. Given how often we repeat it - or something like it - it is a marvel it was only published as late as 1843 (on the 17th of December to be exact). The story of the miserly and sour Ebenezer Scrooge's transformation has touched millions of people all over the world - and continues to do so to this day.
As chance would have it 1843 was also the year when Sir Henry Cole (the founder of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London) had so many Christmas greetings to send that he gave up on handwriting them. His solution was to get an artist by the name of John Calcott Horsley to paint a card showing the feeding and clothing of the poor and - in front and center of it - add the Christmas saying ...
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You
~ Christmas Saying on the World's First Printed Christmas Card, 1843 ~
... and have it printed. Thus, Sir Henry's Christmas card became the very first mass produced Christmas card, ever. As you are no doubt aware, that particular kind of item has since exploded in popularity and people both buy mass produced Christmas Cards and look for free printable Christmas cards on the Internet as well.
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'Merry' is just another word for happy, but how happy is our Christmas? Over-commercialized, over-stressed and financially out-of-control is how many people's Christmas really is. Hence this definition of Christmas:
Christmas: Several weeks of Hell for Christ's sake!
~ Funny Christmas Quotes & Sayings ~
But, once those several weeks are over, be they merry or not-so-much-so, then comes the new year - the one we tell other people that we wish will be 'happy' for them.
Sending you wishes for a happy year filled with health, prosperity, love and loads of fun!
~ New Year Messages & Greetings ~
Another fresh new year is here ...
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!
This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest ...
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!
I have the opportunity
Once more to right some wrongs,
To pray for peace, to plant a tree,
And sing more joyful songs!
~ William Arthur Ward ~
May your year be full of solutions for the many problems you will face.
~ New Year Wishes & Greetings ~
Yes, New Years greetings are usually cheerful, festive sayings that you pass from one person to the next, orally or in writing. But think about the typical New Year wishes. What do they really mean? The New Years wishes and greetings go further than just the words that we say to everyone that we see on the street.
What does it mean when you wish someone "Happy New Year"?
Does it mean, "I'm only saying these New Years greetings because it is the social convention"?
Does it mean, "Have a happy new year, at least until you anger me enough that I wish you were dead - or at least seriously injured - or at least that you have in bad itch in a spot where your arms can't reach!"?
Or does it really mean, "I hope you have a great year"?
If so, why do we start out the first few days of our year wishing everyone the most wonderful year yet ... but spend the rest of the year yelling at them for cutting us off in traffic? Or doing the cutting off ourselves so they can curse us for it?
Your Merry Christmas may depend on what others do for you. But your Happy New Year depends on what you do for others.
~ Funny Christmas Quotes & Happy New Year Sayings ~
Enough happiness
to keep you sweet,
Enough trials
to keep you strong,
Enough sorrow
to keep you human,
Enough hope
to keep you happy;
Enough failure
to keep you humble,
Enough success
to keep you eager,
Enough friends
to give you comfort,
Enough wealth
to meet your needs;
Enough enthusiasm
to look forward,
Enough faith
to banish depression,
Enough determination
to make each day better than yesterday.
May the new year see you being of service to yourself, others and life itself.
~ Wise New Year Sayings & Wishes by Quotescoop.com ~
Resolve to make at least one person happy every day, and then in ten years you may have made three thousand, six hundred and fifty persons happy, or brightened a small town by your contribution to the fund of general enjoyment.
~ New Year Messages by Sydney Smith ~
Such new years quotes can make you think, right? Well, as one of the most famous of modern American women says:
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.
~ New Year Messages by Oprah Winfrey ~
The funny thing is that each year we continue to get it more or less wrong, right?
That is ... if indeed there is such a thing as 'wrong'.
Perhaps the only thing wrong with all the things we judge as 'wrong' is the judgment itself.
~ Soren Lauritzen ~, the Personal Development Guy
Then, of course, the introspection we make around New Year may reveal to us that we have in fact not been as nice to other people as we thought we had:
There have been many time in the past year when I may disturbed you, irritated you, troubled you, bugged you and annoyed you. Today as a new year is approaching I just want to tell you this: All through the new year I plan to continue doing it!
May you be hospitable to love, kindness, joy and criticism!
May you learn that careening down a hill in a shopping cart, swimming with great white sharks and playing with poisonous snakes are not the safest pastimes, and that you will probably not be one of the 7 people in the world who get paid to do those things.
~ Funny New Year Wishes & Greetings ~
Funny how every New Year we make a resolution to lose weight, but we end up with our faces in the cookie jar weeks later. What's really funny about that, though, is that so many people are so very preoccupied with the way they look on the outside ...
May your hair, your teeth, your face-lift, your abs and your stocks not fall; and may your blood pressure, your triglycerides, your cholesterol, your white blood count and your mortgage interest not rise!
... when in fact beauty comes from the inside.
Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.
~ Kahlil Gibran ~
Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.
~ Sophia Loren ~
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.
~ 'Miss Piggy' ~ (from: 'The Muppet Show')
And, another funny thing ... Ever notice how, when you're young, you look forward to staying up and counting down until midnight? The crazy thing is that most people tend to be the opposite when they get older.
Youth counts down until midnight to celebrate the arrival of a new year. Maturity counts down until midnight to celebrate the time that they can finally get to bed.
~ New Year Quotes Andrew Peloquin ~
Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to.
~ New Years Quotes by Bill Vaughn ~
Another funny New Year's quote states:
The only way to spend New Year's Eve is either quietly with friends or in a brothel. Otherwise when the evening ends and people pair off, someone is bound to be left in tears.
~ New Years Quotes W.H. Auden ~
The funny New Years greetings and quotes above are great reminders of one way we would surely benefit from facing the New Year: with a sense of humor!
In the New Year here are going to be challenges to face, obstacles to overcome, and things to deal with that you could never have imagined before. If you don't face the New Year with a smile on your lips, a song in your heart, and a bottle of your favorite hooch in your hand, you may end up stressed out and, as the psychologists say, going completely nuts.
It's funny how every New Year's Eve, we stay up to greet the new year as if it were an emperor: highly respected, yet undefined. We know nothing of him, but that he could give us all we need, all we hope, all we dare to dream. And then eventually we realize he's just like all the others. Nothing special at all. Ordinarily stupid. Like the emperor with new clothes. We've been blinded.
~ New Year Quotes by Victoria Jean Ella ~
Yes, it's funny, in a way, how every New Year starts with large dreams and goals, and after a while we barely slog through the year and get out the other side alive.
It doesn't sound quite right, does it? It sounds like there's something, somewhere we're overlooking.
And so there is. It's called choice.
Or, to use a different couple of words for the same thing: Free will.
YES, the New Year is going to be pretty much like the old one - unless YOU change that. YES, this means you must ignore or let go of your fear, take a chance and do something new. And YES, it's scary; but YES you can do it, because it's YOUR life where YOU get to choose that you want to LIVE! Or not.
~ New Year Quotes by Soren Lauritzen ~, the Personal Development Guy
The New Year is going to be filled with hundreds of challenges that could totally knock each of us flat, which is why we need to greet it with a smile and a laugh.
The healthiest response to life is joy.
~ Deepak Chopra ~
Laughing in the face of problems may seem like insanity to you, but it is the best way to be certain that you don't break down weeping due to the pressure and strain placed upon you (i.e. that you allow yourself to be burdened with). No one can tell you with certainty that the New Year will be easy, but you can bet your boots it is going to be a heck of a lot of fun - provided that is how you choose to see it, of course.
Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth.
~ Martin H. Fischer ~
The challenges that you face in the New Year should thrill you and inspire you to try out new solutions and do new things. If you so desire, all of the new things that you are going to face in the year ahead are going to push you to new heights of accomplishment and achievement, and with that in mind why not greet them cheerfully?
Because you might fail, you say?
That is an option, of course. Maybe even a likelihood! But in the immortal words of Robert Allen, Samuel Beckett, Henry Ford, Mary Pickford and Charles F. Kettering:
There is no failure. Only feedback.
~ Robert Allen ~
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~
Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
~ Henry Ford ~
Supposing you have tried and failed again and again. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.
~ Mary Pickford ~
One fails forward toward success.
~ Charles F. Kettering ~
Here's how you might also put all of the above - in one short sentence that forces you to think a bit:
The only time you don't fail is the last time you try anything - and it works.
~ William Strong ~
The feeling of failure is one that is hard to bear, and you may feel like your world is collapsing around you when all of your dreams come crumbling down. However, the mental, emotional and physical muscles that you develop while overcoming challenges will be able to handle more failures and difficulties than you fear. Each year you grow stronger and wiser, and thus you are able to deal with problems more effectively.
The New Year is full of surprises for you, so why not treat it like the amazing new thing that it really is? Why not approach the New Year with the wide-eyed anticipation of a child opening his birthday presents? If you are willing to fail and learn and grow you will find that it contains all of the good things you anticipate from a present.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.
~ Spiritual New Year Sayings ~
Every New Year is the direct descendant, isn't it, of a long line of proven criminals?
~ Ogden Nash ~
Very recently someone we know and consider a friend wrote something interesting to us at Quotescoop.com.
As the very last thing on this page of New Year greetings, we bring you the text as is:
"New Years greetings are usually based around one word: Happy. However, that is really the wrong word to base our greetings around, and there is another word that should be on our lips when we send out our verbal greetings for New Year: Content.
If everyone was to find contentment in this year, they would really have a happy new year.
Is there a difference between happiness and contentment? Absolutely.
Happiness is something that changes from one moment to the next. You can be thrilled because you are getting to go home at the end of a long day, be furious because someone cut you off, be annoyed because of all the traffic, feel romantic because your favorite love song comes on the radio, and be sad because you miss your family. All this can happen in the space of a few heartbeats, and the emotion we call 'happy' is something that comes and goes.
Contentment is not something you can think about, but it is something you feel. You feel contentment sitting in your gut like a good meal, and life simply seems good. With contentment, happiness can come and go, but your outlook will never change.
Let us all avoid the traditional New Years greetings of 'Happy New Year', but rather let us wish each other "Contented New Year". While it doesn't have quite the ring that Happy greetings does, you will find that meaning behind it will communicate the true feeling of what you want to say." ~ New Year's Message from a Friend to Quotescoop.com ~
So, what do you think of that, then? Maybe we should all switch from New Year Greetings such as 'Happy New Year!' and over to ...
Have a thoroughly adequate day and a contented New Year!
We have collected a few easy-to-use links on the various subjects and a few of the people mentioned on this page:
- New Year irreverently described by 'the voice of the people', Urbandictionary.com: New Year.
- Christmas, soberly described at New World Encyclopedia: Christmas.
- The content-free encyclopedia, Uncyclopedia (enter at own risk) describes Failure.
- Probably deep thoughts, but also a bit unintentionally funny encyclopedia.com description of: Failure Neurosis.
- The voice of the people (Urbandictionary.com) defines: Failure.
- WikiPedia.com describes Indian medical doctor, writer and public speaker Deepak Chopra.
- The philosophical concept of will as defined on the 1911 Classic Encyclopedia Britannica, it may be oldies but goodies, but it's not an easy read: will.
- Wisegeek.com describes the different types of greeting cards, including Christmas Cards, and New Year Cards) in an article called: What are the Different Types of Greeting Cards?
- Encyclopedia.com describes spiritual poet and philosopher Kahlil Gibran.
- The 'usual unusual' weirdly described stuff at Uncyclopedia.com, this time describing: Happiness.
24 Free Happy New Year Cards and Rhyming Poems in
Both Modern and Vintage Style
Printable New Years Cards & Free New Year Greeting Cards Plus Sweet and Short New Years Poems
Unique New Year Wishes and New Year Messages and Happy Greetings
Inspirational and Funny New Year Quotes and New Year Wishes
The Ultimate New Years Resolutions Guide with Inspiring New Year Wishes and Lots of Funny New Years Resolutions Silliness for Pure Entertainment
Top Funny New Years Resolutions and Hilarious New Year Quotes and Jokes about New Years
Big List of New Years Eve Party Ideas and New Years Eve Party Games for all Types of Moods and Guests
14 Fabulous New Years Eve Party Games and New Years Eve Party Ideas and Jolly Drinking Games
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